2020 Class of Summer Interns Begins in New Format | North Carolina Space Grant Skip to main content

2020 Class of Summer Interns Begins in New Format

Above, left to right, new 2020 summer interns Chloe Schneider, Auston Gray and Bryce Abbott begin their internships soon, along with 11 others at multiple NASA centers and programs and the HyperSizer Corporation.

North Carolina Space Grant is excited to announce the selection of the 2020 class of summer interns, who will embark on research projects at various NASA centers and aerospace companies that will equip them with experience for their future careers. 

The collaboration between NC Space Grant, NASA centers, and other research and industry partners creates a unique experience for higher-education students who want to apply their academic training to real-world projects. Interns will not only help conduct experiments, but will also develop useful connections with the mentors guiding them through their internships. 

Evan Youngberg

Internships are an integral part of professional and career development for students and give students the opportunity to see themselves in different disciplines of aerospace and aviation. These are just some of the reasons NC Space Grant is committed to providing students the resources and support to get involved in these educational experiences. 

As a solution to navigating the current world of social distancing guidelines due to COVID-19, the NASA centers and other involved organizations are implementing new strategies to allow interns to still gain precious experience through a remote internship model. This 2020 class of interns will be the first students to be immersed in this new initiative.

Hannah Oliver

Summer 2020 NC Space Grant Interns

Bryce Abbott, National Institute of Aerospace at Langley intern, North Carolina State University, aerospace engineering Ph.D. student

Logan Bilich, HyperSizer intern, North Carolina State University, aerospace engineering major

Ryan Daugherty, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center intern, North Carolina State University, computer engineering major

Hannah Duke, NASA Headquarters intern, Duke University, physics major

Auston Gray, National Institute of Aerospace at Langley intern, North Carolina State University, aerospace engineering major

Jared Junkin, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center intern, Duke University, computer science major

Travis Newton, NASA DEVELOP intern, North Carolina State University, geographical information systems M.S. student

Travis Newton

Hannah Oliver, NASA Academy at Langley intern, North Carolina State University, aerospace engineering major

Meredith Patterson, NASA Langley Research Center intern, North Carolina State University, aerospace engineering major

Chloe Schneider, NASA DEVELOP intern, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, environmental science major

Kelly Smith, HyperSizer intern, North Carolina State University, mechanical engineering major

Jack van Welzen, National Institute of Aerospace at Langley intern, North Carolina State University, mechanical engineering major

Andrew Wegener, HyperSizer intern, North Carolina State University, mechanical engineering M.S. student

Evan Youngberg, NASA Langley Research Center intern, North Carolina State University, aerospace engineering major

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