NC Sea & Space Grants’ Joint Graduate Fellowship Seeking Applicants

The NC Sea Grant and Space Grant programs are now accepting applications for a one-year Graduate Research Fellowship. This joint fellowship provides support for one graduate student researching high-priority needs within the North Carolina watersheds, coastal area, and nearshore environments.
The fellowship requires the use of data from vast archives and remote-sensing capabilities available through the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to address a high-priority research need within North Carolina’s nearshore environs, coastal areas, watersheds, or human activities in these areas (e.g. aquaculture)
The joint North Carolina Sea Grant – NC Space Grant Graduate Research Fellowship Program offers funding for interdisciplinary proposals from across the state. Each applicant must be a full-time, enrolled graduate student at an accredited college or university within North Carolina and a citizen of the United States. A faculty mentor must supervise the proposed research. The research activity should continue for the duration of the Fellowship period. The start date is flexible, but must be after June 1, 2021. All work must be completed by May 30, 2022. Fellows will have the opportunity to present their research findings at a meeting or conference among peer researchers and other audiences.
Apply for the joint North Carolina Sea Grant – NC Space Grant Graduate Research Fellowship here. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m., Friday, March 12, 2021.
Read about the 2020-21 fellow in our news posts, the 2018-19 fellows’ research in Coastwatch magazine, and the 2018-19 fellow’s findings that gained national attention in Fortune Magazine.
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