NC Space Grant Honored by NC Science Teachers Association

North Carolina Space Grant was presented the 2022 Distinguished Service Award for Support of Outreach Science Education at the 53rd NC Science Teachers Association’s Professional Development Institute on Nov. 3.
NCSTA notes the honor cites NC Space Grant’s “continued support of educators, and students across North Carolina.”
“We are honored to for this recognition of NC Space Grant and NASA for our science education efforts in the classrooms and many other settings,” notes Jobi Cook, who accepted the honor along with Dr. Anne Weiss, NASA Educator Professional Development (EPD) Specialist.
In particular, NCSTA highlighted NC Space Grant’s NC Space Education Ambassadors Program (NCSEA). To date, there are 28 NCSE Ambassadors representing 21 NC counties. Since summer 2021, ambassadors have already conducted 36 professional development activities reaching 375 teachers and 64 student focused activities/events, reaching 5,125 students.
NCSTA also cited NC Space Grant’s STEM Pre-Service Teacher Education Scholarship program. To date, over 60 students have received this funding to support their educational growth in space science.
“Through this award, NCSTA acknowledges the integral role that NC Space Grant plays in Outreach Science Education in our state and beyond,” NCSTA noted in its news release.
For more information on NCSTA Awards, contact Dr. Teresa H. Cowan at

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