NC Space Grant Unveils the Summer 2024 Class of Interns | North Carolina Space Grant Skip to main content

NC Space Grant Unveils the Summer 2024 Class of Interns

North Carolina Space Grant is thrilled to announce the summer 2024 class of interns.

Each year, NC Space Grant works with NASA centers, research organizations, and various STEM industry leaders to give higher-education students an opportunity to conduct hands-on research projects throughout the summer. This year, NC Space Grant has awarded internships to 13 students.

As students work on research projects spanning from flight safety to urban development, they will continue to make significant contributions to their respective fields and progress their own research capabilities. These practical applications have implications for continued STEM careers with NASA and beyond.

“Internships are invaluable experiences that give students an opportunity to apply classroom knowledge in real-world settings, and help guide future education and career pathways,” said Jobi Cook, associate director of NC Space Grant. 

Summer 2024 Class of Interns


Caroline Tintinger, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, major: geography
NASA DEVELOP (NC – National Center for Environmental Information), Project: Urban Development

Collier Aerospace Industry Interns

Alexander Duggleby, Collier Aerospace, North Carolina State University, major: aerospace engineering
Sachet Patil, Collier Aerospace, North Carolina State University, major: aerospace engineering
Karthik Kannan, Collier Aerospace, North Carolina State University, major: aerospace engineering

Langley Research Center Interns

Wade Collins, North Carolina State University, major: mechanical engineering
NASA Langley Research Center, Project: Multifunctional Structural Materials for Extreme Space Environments
Diane Ripollone, teacher at Cardinal Gibbons High School
NASA Langley Research Center, Project: My NASA Data
Jacob Daye, North Carolina State University, major: aerospace engineering
NASA Langley Research Center, Project: Advanced Deployment Mechanisms for Deplyable Space Trusses
Ryan Keever, North Carolina State University, major: aerospace engineering
NASA Langley Research Center, Project: Tower Assembly

Kennedy Space Center Interns

Jose Leigh, North Carolina State University, major: aerospace engineering
NASA Kennedy Space Center, Project: Future Systems
Caleb Knight, Lenoir Rhyne University, major: engineering physics
NASA Kennedy Space Center, Project: Future Systems

Goddard Space Flight Center Interns

Brooke Turner, North Carolina State University, major: aerospace engineering
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, project: Optics for Space
Victor Haxholdt, North Carolina State University, major: mechanical engineering
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, project: Lunar Simulant Soil Composites Measurement

Wallops Flight Facility Intern

Aryan Patel, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, major: mechanical engineering
Wallops Flight Facility, project: Flight Safety Analysis of Vehicles
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