The NC instructors that attended the DEIA Workshop. NC instructors unite! Left to right: Wayne Shore (Wake County), Christine Mitchell (Wilson County), Jobi Cook (NC Space Grant), Jessica Kellerman (front, Moore County), Lindsey Sise (Moore County), Katherine Wadsworth (Wake County), and Joseph Hayes (Edgecombe County)
The IDEAS Team, made up of the North Carolina, South Carolina and North Dakota Space Grant consortia, facilitated a workshop at the University of North Dakota for instructors to discuss ways to make space science more accessible to students. Teachers came from across the country to participate in this week-long Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Space Science Educators Workshop. Click here to read learn more about NC Space Grant’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and accessibility (DEIJA).
NCSEA Christine Mitchell works on tactile maps of the solar system for people with visual impairments.People with visual impairments can feel Jupiter’s bands of clouds and the Great Red Spot on tactile maps like these.A variety of objects can be used for tactile maps. Instructor Katherine Wadsworth works with paper to simulate asteroid surfaces.NCSEA Christine Mitchell and Wayne Shore pour alginate into a tray to make molds.Lindsey Sise inspects the “impact craters” that are left in the alginate mold after it sets.All the love for our NC Space Ed Ambassadors (NCSEA)! Left to right: Wayne Shore, Christine Mitchell, Joseph Hayes, Katherine WadsworthNoodle, a hearing guide dog for a member of SC Space Grant, poses magnificently in front of the Red River Recreation Area sign.Jessica Kellerman feels along tactile star maps while wearing goggles that simulate low vision.NCSEA Christine Mitchell participates in an activity to learn ways to safely view an eclipse.NCSEA Christine Mitchell types on a Braille keyboard to produce tactile text.NCSEA Wayne Shore holds a globe while a colleague holds up a magnet. The magnet swivels to help visualize Earth’s magnetic field.NCSEA Joseph Hayes walks down the hallway in simulation goggles to understand how low-vision affects others.The NC Instructors are thrilled to be visiting the University of North Dakota’s Aerospace Building.Making friends in North Dakota! Instructors from across the country strike a pose together at the border of North Dakota.