Student Team Competition Program
FY 2017-18 Student Team Competition Program – Proposals Due October 20, 2017
NC Space Grant awards funding to undergraduate teams to help them participate in national competitions either sponsored or sanctioned by NASA or another STEM-related organization (NASA SLI, IEEE, Eco-Challenge, etc.). These competitions should be in the fields of science, engineering or mathematics, and complement the academic studies of the team members.
NC Space Grant anticipates supporting 6-8 team competition grants of up to $5,000 (based on available funding). Funds can be used to purchase supplies and materials to support the team project, and/or cover registration and travel expenses.
Proposal Guidelines
Click here to view the updated Request for Proposals for the 2018-19 funding cycle. The program is now called the Team Experience Awards.
- Proposals will be accepted from faculty at NCSG Affiliate and Non-Affiliate institutions of higher education.
- Only one Team Competition proposal will be accepted per PI to allow equitable distribution of funds across the state
- Team members must be enrolled in an academic degree program
- Please note: some competitions require that team members be full-time students and/or U.S. citizens. Applicants should review all competition or program requirements and make sure the entire team is eligible to participate before submitting this proposal.
Proposals will be accepted from teams at NCSG Affiliate universities.
Period of Performance
The period of performance for this project is November 30,
Expectations for Students
- Each student group is expected to keep NC Space Grant informed of their progress (this can include copies of written reports, and/or invitations to sit in on review meetings). NCSG should be given credit for sponsoring the activity in all printed materials.
- A final report on the team project is required (electronic).
- NC Space Grant would like to receive pictures of your group members working on your project for use in reporting to NASA, newsletters, and other publicity.
- NC Space Grant is required by NASA to keep in touch with all awardees of significant programs at least until they receive their first job after receiving their highest degree. If you receive support through this program, expect to keep in touch with NC Space Grant for some time after the completion of your project (minimum info we’ll need is an updated e-mail address so we can contact you if required).
Proposal Submission
- Proposals must be submitted as one PDF file.
- Proposals should be one-sided, single-spaced on standard 8 ½ x 11 paper, no smaller than 12 point font and with no less than one inch margins throughout. Text restrictions are inclusive of all illustrations, tables, charts, exhibits, etc.
- All pages must be numbered sequentially.
- Proposals must be submitted by the faculty advisor (PI) to by October 20, 2017. Submissions must include university’s authorized signature.
Award announcements will be made by November 1, 2017. Projects selected for funding will receive a subaward through the PI institution’s Office of Sponsored Projects.
For questions related to this solicitation, please contact Jobi Cook at (919) 515-5933 or