MSI & Future-Teacher Opportunities Open, One Brand New

NC Space Grant has now opened applications for three scholarship programs, including one new scholarship designed for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) students at Minority-Serving Institutions (MSI) in North Carolina. The MSI STEM Pathways, MSI STEM Bridge and Pre-Service Teacher scholarships are open for applications until Oct. 11, 2021.
MSI STEM Pathways Scholarship
The new MSI STEM Pathways Scholarship is open to first, second and third-year undergraduate students and community college students at Minority-Serving Institutions. Although it is not required, the intended next step for scholarship recipients would be to apply for the MSI STEM Bridge Scholarship program (below). This scholarship is for students attending the institutions listed below and provides $3,000 per award.
Eligible universities and colleges:
- Bennett College
- Bladen Community College
- Chowan University
- Edgecombe Community College
- Elizabeth City State University
- Fayetteville State University
- Halifax Community College
- Johnson C. Smith University
- Livingstone College
- Louisburg College
- North Carolina A&T State University
- North Carolina Central University
- North Carolina Wesleyan College
- Robeson Community College
- Saint Augustine’s University
- Shaw University
- University of North Carolina at Pembroke
- Winston-Salem State University
Applications are due Monday, Oct. 11, 2021, by 6 p.m. EDT. A faculty letter of recommendation is due on Wednesday, Oct. 13, by 6 p.m.
NC Space Grant offered information sessions to introduce the scholarship and offer guidance and support on the application process. A recording of an information session is below.
MSI STEM Bridge Scholarship
The MSI STEM Bridge Scholarship was created to encourage talented students from traditionally underserved and underrepresented populations (e.g., women, minorities and persons with disabilities) to pursue STEM related careers. NC Space Grant is offering this opportunity for the third year to lend support to students who will bring a diversity of perspectives and experiences to the STEM fields of the future. This program also connects students to NC Space Grant supported faculty mentors and NASA mentors.
This scholarship is designed to be a learning experience for second, third and fourth-year students. Students have the opportunity to explore different career pathways that NASA offers. Through this scholarship, NC Space Grant hopes to introduce students early in their academic careers to our Undergraduate Research Scholarships, Graduate Research Fellowships and other NASA-related programs. Student’s are awarded $5,000 and are not required to already be participating in a STEM research project.
Although it is not required, this scholarship serves as a stepping stone for students to apply to the Undergraduate Research Scholarship program or the Graduate Research Fellowship program in the future.
Applicants must be currently enrolled as a full-time second-year, third-year or fourth-year student (minimum 12 credit hours) at one of the accredited Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) or Historically Black Colleges or Universities (HBCU) in North Carolina listed below.
Eligible universities and colleges:
- Bennett College
- Elizabeth City State University
- Fayetteville State University
- Johnson C. Smith University
- Livingstone College
- North Carolina A&T University
- North Carolina Central University
- St. Augustine’s College
- Shaw University
- University of North Carolina at Pembroke
- Winston-Salem State University
Applications are due Monday, Oct. 11, 2021, by 6 p.m. A faculty letter of recommendation is due on Wednesday, Oct. 13, by 6 p.m.
For more information and to apply, visit our MSI STEM Bridge Scholarship program page.
NC Space Grant offered information sessions to introduce the scholarship and offer guidance and support on the application process. A recording of an information session is below.
MSI STEM Scholarship Virtual Information Session
Pre-Service Teacher Scholarship
The Pre-Service Teacher Education Scholarship is designed for students enrolled in STEM-related teacher education degree programs, to help prepare them to use NASA content and tools to lead classrooms of future STEM explorers. This program is offered to undergraduate and community college students for the 2021-22 academic year.
Scholarship recipients have the opportunity to complete a series of NASA STEM Digital Badges, participate in professional seminars and attend a cohort field trip to NASA Langley Research Center in 2022 (contingent upon COVID-19 travel guidance).
Through this scholarship, NC Space Grant hopes to assist future teachers develop methods to promote science education in the K-12 classroom, focus on improving pre-college perceptions, understanding and interest in science, plus increase K-12 students’ interest in eventually pursuing STEM education and careers.
Current junior and seniors majoring in education are eligible to apply. The deadline for applications is Monday, Oct. 11, 2021, by 6 p.m. EDT. A letter of recommendation is required and is due on Wednesday, Oct. 13, by 6 p.m. EDT.
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