Jun 7, 2023
Teams from across the state gathered at Catawba Valley Community College in late March to compete in the 2023 North Carolina Space Grant Community College High-Altitude Ballooning Challenge (HABC). Teams received various awards ranging from Highest Altitude to Best Photo. Wake Technical Community College’s high-altitude ballooning team won the Best Overall Team award.
May 31, 2023
In April, the North Carolina Science Festival hosted the 11th annual Statewide Star Party, an opportunity to stargaze, celebrate and learn about the night sky. Approximately 8,500 people participated in these public skywatching events at 35 different locations from the mountains to the sea.
May 30, 2023
NC Space Grant is pleased to announce the North Carolina Space Education Ambassadors (NCSEA) program application is open now until June 30.
May 18, 2023
On April 21, North Carolina Space Grant hosted its annual NC Space Symposium at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh. The Symposium brought together over 200 students and professionals from all over the state of North Carolina to celebrate student research and learn from experts.
Apr 14, 2023
Julie Williams-Byrd will open the NC Space Symposium on April 21 with a talk about her extensive career spanning across multiple disciplines at NASA. As chief technologist at the NASA Langley Research Center, she provides leadership for planning, management and evaluation of new technology development. An inspiration and motivator for students, she is also a proponent for STEM education and engagement. NC Space Grant spoke with Williams-Byrd about her role and passion for STEM mentoring.
Apr 7, 2023
Silicon is a valuable material and has many uses, such as in our devices. However, silicon is not ideal for all use cases. Therefore, scientists have been investigating new materials that can surpass silicon in both new and established technologies. NC Space Grant 2022-23 Graduate Research Fellow, Cullen Walsh, researches two up-and-coming classes of materials. This research could architect a whole new world of materials that surpass silicon in many applications.
Apr 6, 2023
Charlie Blackwell-Thompson is the first woman launch director at NASA. On November 16, 2022, she launched Artemis I, the first in a series of missions bringing human exploration back to the Moon and eventually, Mars. As the keynote speaker for the NC Space Symposium on April 21, Blackwell-Thompson will share her experiences with students. She spoke with NC Space Grant about her STEM journey and her role in the Artemis missions.
Mar 29, 2023
Jimmy Acevedo and Julie Hoover are NC Space Grant alumni who are now employed at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Read more about how they moved from NC to NASA, and the surprising way that NC Space Grant's High-Altitude Ballooning Challenge jump-started their journey
Mar 6, 2023
The 2023 NC Space Symposium will feature presentations by NASA experts, including the Artemis I launch director, as well as talks by student researchers and industry professionals. Make plans now to join NC Space Grant on Friday, April 21, at the McKimmon Center on NC State’s campus. Registration is now open and available through April 15.
Feb 24, 2023
Sascha Medina has joined North Carolina Space Grant as a communications specialist, developing digital and written content for Space Grant’s research, education and outreach opportunities across North Carolina.